Re: [compost_tea] List Nazi?

From: Steve Bridges <>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 19:46:05 -0600

I've followed this list for a long time. Recently, as other prerogatives
take precedent, I've not contributed. But I've followed your posts, as they
are frequent and detailed. I really appreciate your posts and your thought
processes in how you're approaching this whole idea. Keep up the good work
and I, too, look forward to your condensed version of previous posts. You're
doing a hell'uva job......

I'm with you.
Steve Bridges

p.s. There has a been a bit, some say alot, of advertising on this listserv,
but you know, if those making the machines, doing the testing, spending the
$$$ are disallowed from imparting their information to the rest of us, how
are we to learn? I have a Bob-O, which I still owe Bob, because I knew it
was a tested, tried machine, it made good tea. If you've been on the list
for sometime, you'll know ads vs. info. Please discern.

Keep up the good work Chris,,,,

----- Original Message -----
From: "chriscreid" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 9:57 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] List Nazi?

> Should I take personally HY's comment about people purportedly
> collecting information for the good of the list and really for
> personal gain? Hmm, how many hundreds of unpaid hours have gone
> into this project so far? And I don't even know who this accuser is.
> Please, group, if this is the general consensus, let me know because
> I have spent far too much effort on this to be interpreted as self
> serving. I have learned a lot in the process, but 100 per cent of
> what I have learned I intend to turn back to you, the people who
> wrote the posts and shared the information. If I write you a
> private note and ask for info, I will tell you it's for the compost
> tea project. If I want personally motivated info, I tell you that,
> as well, so you can decide if you want to share or not.
> Should I take personally Ted's comments about list fascists? I feel
> very badly about upsetting him in asking him to limit his
> advertising to Sunday. I think he's doing very interesting work. I
> have no desire for him or anyone else who has invested in research
> to share what they've invested in.
> I also have had the thought that one of the things that makes the
> list not work as well as it could is the failure to distinguish
> marketing activities vs. fact presenting activities. The two kinds
> of activities are quite different.
> I find it unsatisfying that the group has standards or rules to
> which the group does not adhere. To Linda's point about
> groupiness, there is a message that is conveyed to the group, "I am
> special and I'll do what I please, I don't have to respect the
> groups; rules or purpose." So I have challenged this and become a
> lightning rod for the wrath of those who choose not to follow the
> rules. I am called names, and therefore, might makes right, I will
> back off and the advertisers will do as they damn well please when
> they want to do it. I'm clear now, boys, you have made your point.
> It has been my attempt to be constructive. It seems to me that
> there is an undercurrent desire to "do what we want to do because we
> want to do it" more than there is a desire to work together to nail
> down what we can nail down about tea.
> IN working to come up with information from the archives and even
> taking time to contact people privately, it has been my vision and
> intent that the people who read this list and see amazing results
> posted, also understand the hard work and specific steps that go
> into creating them. There are farmers out there willing to "bet the
> farm" on a new technology. They need to know that it's not a walk
> in the park. There are people hoping to quit their day job and
> start a new business. They need to know there are risks involved
> and it's not all Miracles. There are home gardeners who are excited
> and interested and intrigued. Buying a brewer, even an inexpensive
> one, represents a major investment for a home gardening budget and
> they need to understand what they will have to do in order to
> produce tea that is useful in the long run -- not just short run til
> you get your bacteria numbers in the soil up. There are land care
> businesses owners who can't turn to the coop extension or ag school
> or books or much of anything other than what Elaine Ingham has
> published, and it takes even more than what one can find there to do
> good work. For many, their time is already well taken up by having
> to make a living in the warm months of the year. They need to be
> able to get good information without spending hours to piece it
> together.
> I choose to share what I learn and am pleased at the sharing that
> comes back in my direction.
> I drive a 91 Taurus, live in a rented house in an expensive town, am
> making no money off anyone's back on this list and am not interested
> in depriving anyone of their proprietary information. If that is
> what you all think is going on, I am very sorry indeed for causing
> you worry and indignation.
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