Re: [compost_tea] Re: Not confused and Not alarmed

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 18:02:41 -0800 (PST)

Ted Your statements are fresh, clear, factual; and i agree with them. Our systems seem to have much - not everything alike. good going to you. Bob

Ted Peterson <> wrote:No, I'm not saying that. Microbes will grow even if you dump compost into water and siphon off the liquid after about 30 min and spray it or water it. There is enough dissolved O2 to get multiples in population. However, since you will be limited to the O2 in the water and the nutrients available in the compost, your multiples will be low. If you provide adequate O2 and nutrients, you will get huge multiples. This will increase your chances in getting the correct bacteria and fungi into your soil or on your plants. When these are in the soil in representative numbers, the other critters that feed on them can start living and eventually, you have reestablished the soil and within that soil will be a web of interlocking, interdependent life.
What I read most concerns how to control the process to ensure high-quality every time. Now, even compost taken from the same pile will contain different amounts of bacteria depending on where in the pile they are found(depth) and how old the compost is. Brewing is reliable in that you will get multiples of bacteria. It isn't as reliable in determining which bacteria or even if specific bacteria are "grown" together. This is why you want compost with as high diversity as you can get. You are maximizing you chances at success.
Brewing is simply a way of magnifying the effect of your compost. Nutrients give the microbes food in different forms. Some of the food forms favor certain bacteria and other forms favor other bacteria. So you try for diversity. I can hook you up with a brewer and give you highly diverse compost and/or show you how to grow your own compost. If you use my compost and my formulae, you will end up with high-quality every time. However, if the weather changes, some microbes will be accentuated over others.. If you use a DO meter to measure activity (drop in DO means bugs are multiplying, feeding and using the O2.) you will see the required drop every time. You will get high multiples but not necessarily high diversity every time. The goal is high multiples and high diversity but I don't think that is possible in every brewing situation. I think more correctly we could say: high mulitples and good diversity virtually every time.
Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
----- Original Message -----
From: dkemnitz2000
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 3:12 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed

--Are you saying there are too many variables in the ACT process
using your machine and someone's tested compost (or yours)to always
produce satisfactory product per SFI standards?

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Received on Fri Dec 19 2003 - 21:38:02 EST

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