[compost_tea] CT

From: Halstead <halstead_at_mail.telepac.pt>
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 00:41:42 -0000

I consider this pure BLATHER and is not helpful to those on the list that a=
re capable of making their own decision and which to learn how to make good=
 A.C.T. using their own commonsence.
Let us hope for a more constructive posting in the New Year.
Merry Christmas & A Happy, Prosperous & Peaceful New Year to you all.


If you are into selling tea brewing equipment , then you are responsible fo=
r what comes out of it ,your the company that customer chose to buy from an=
d you evidently represented yourself as a quality product that he chose to =
buy from (you being the general manufacturer of any brew company ) you are =
responsible for that thank less slob who doesn't bathe ,or have his tea tes=
ted, who trust in what you the manufactureer tells him , the one who wants =
to buy your equipment , your supplies ,all he wants to do is sell a product=
 that you telll him works ,like this , that it will do certain things ,for =
his customers, that yes heven for bid he should make some money off of it, =
thats why he's buying it , that's why your selling it and then when it does=
n't appear to work ,he screwed it up because he didnt bathe or clean his eq=
uipment right, when you tell someone who spends $3000.00 its his fault , I =
dont thinks so and If we the customer , the puchaser of your industry br=
ewing equipment wern't there you wouldn't be there either , , If you can't =
put your money or your knowledge to your customer where your mouth is then=
 dont sell it. If I buy your equipment and my customer buys my product and =
in the end my customer ,customers dont like what takes place , who lose's m=
e or you, or the whole industry , I care beleave me i care , if careing has=
 a dollar sign on it so be it , you need the almighty dollar to. You are =
responsible wheather you want to think so or not , You couldn't stand 12 hr=
s beside me let alone work 14 hrs beside me ,if i show you how to change a =
200 lb truck tire and wheel and then you get yourself killed by it ,was tha=
t your fault or mine , lets get serious , In a industry as young as this on=
e everytime somebody sells a brewer your responsible ,for making sure they =
do it right , you want approval by the usda ,your responsable for making su=
re they do it right , If you are really interested in advancing compost tea=
 you are responsable ,and i read every word before i hit the send button ! =
thank you reece

Received on Sun Dec 21 2003 - 11:53:17 EST

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