Aeration during transport (was Re: [compost_tea] Re: back pack sprayers to use for compost teas?)

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 13:52:38 -0800

----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Norsen
  Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 1:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: back pack sprayers to use for compost teas=

  Typically we are transporting 250 to 500 g ACT. We use an air pump, air =

The manual says the tea is good up to 24 hours. That seems a little extrem=
e to me. I would figure the level of anaerobic activity might still be OK =
though. I haven't tested the transportation limits. However, you can do a =
couple of things when transporting for longer periods: 10 - 24 hours. I wo=
uldn't use tea more than 24 hours old.

1. Keep the air going. You need very little to sustain but a lot to brew. =
 You don't need to confuse the two.
2. If you can't aerate, keep the containers 3/4 full. That way there's eno=
ugh air so it doesn't go instantly anaerobic.
3. Add a little molasses. This will give the microbes some extra food. Fo=
r 5G you can use 1/4 cup or less.
4. Any time you deliver tea, constantly remind your customer that if they a=
re going to apply the tea, do it within 24 hours.

I have a client who gets the tea in the morning, let's it sit at his work a=
ll day then takes it home. That's about 10-12 hours in my estimation with =
the tea sitting in the bucket. He hasn't reported any problems and raves a=
bout how much using the tea has improved his turf. He has applied 4 times =
in six months to a lawn he was going to replace. He (this is anecdotal) ha=
s stated that he got sick of mowing his lawn over the summer because it was=
 growing so fast and was becomming very lush. No inputs other than tea. H=
e applies with one of those lawn sprayers that fit on the end of a hose. H=
e is on well water. Water tests low salts, no nitrate contanimation. We d=
idn't test for metals but he runs the water through a filter that is suppos=
ed to catch some harmful metals.

Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth

Received on Sun Dec 21 2003 - 17:36:01 EST

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