Re: [compost_tea] not threatening,sorry,pissing match no more

From: w.reece speas <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 08:52:43 -0800 (PST)

I apoligize ! This is the last pissing match i am getting into in here ,I dont even know you ,i was'nt threatening you , It just seemed like the attitude's in here were getting carried away ,and i got caught up in it , for that I sincerly apoligize ,I came in here to learn not get in the middle of a war, if you know nothing about it ? you shouldn't open your mouth, I shouldn't have opened my mouth ! w. reece speas wrote:Here's what I'm responsible for as a manufacturer;
1. providing a quality, tested product.( welding to CWB code, testing each mechanical component before shipping....etc.)
2. Providing documentation and customer support to my valued customer. (maintenance manual, parts list, limited warranty)
Here's what I'm not responsible for but what you get from me;
1. 20 years of vineyard equipment design and fabrication
2. 20+ years of grape growing commercially, and totally fed up with chemical use.
3. A passion for innovation
Here's what'll get you laughed right out of the shop;
1. taking my quality product and not cleaning it, put out tainted tea, and coming back for a refund. Remember that maintenance manual? Limited warranty? No manufacturer I know of warrants against the improper use of thier product. Even when I take my Snap-on tools with liftime warranty (limited) they're inspected for misuse.
Read any warranties lately?
Mine clearly states that the brewer be thoroughly cleaned with hydrogen peroxide after each brew if brewer is not to be used for several days, or after 3 back to back brews. Then, you see, just like any other machine you buy, you read the maintenance manual that clearly outlines the cleaning procedure, paying special attention to any areas that require particular attention. If you have trouble following instructions I can be emailed or called to help clarify.
But this is all just redundant.
Say you spend $30k-40k on a new vehicle, now using the attitude that you have based your argument against my post, you probably won't follow the maintenance schedule. What happens? Well long story short, the efficiency starts to be lower, the oil gets burnt and sludgy, the oil galleries start to plug and before the vehicle if off warranty you've ruined your engine or transmission, or you've killed someone because the brakes have failed due to neglect, or the tires are bare. Is the vehicle manufacturer responsible for your neglegance and stupidity???
And I'll tell you something else buddy boy, if you the consumer wasn't there to buy my machines, I'd still be building them for myself, so don't threaten me. I do not make huge amounts of profit, in fact my other ventures subsidise the brewers. But I'm not a non profit organization either. You get what you pay for. AND I do this to better the environment around me, inspite of some the people on this list. Are you one of these people?
"w.reece speas" wrote: If you are into selling tea brewing equipment , then you are responsible for what comes out of it ,your the company that customer chose to buy from and you evidently represented yourself as a quality product that he chose to buy from (you being the general manufacturer of any brew company ) you are responsible for that thank less slob who doesn't bathe ,or have his tea tested, who trust in what you the manufactureer tells him , the one who wants to buy your equipment , your supplies ,all he wants to do is sell a product that you telll him works ,like this , that it will do certain things ,for his customers, that yes heven for bid he should make some money off of it, thats why he's buying it , that's why your selling it and then when it doesn't appear to work ,he screwed it up because he didnt bathe or clean his equipment right, when you tell someone who spends $3000.00 its his fault , I dont thinks so and If we the customer , the puchaser of your in
 brewing equipment wern't there you wouldn't be there either , , If you can't put your money or your knowledge to your customer where your mouth is then dont sell it. If I buy your equipment and my customer buys my product and in the end my customer ,customers dont like what takes place , who lose's me or you, or the whole industry , I care beleave me i care , if careing has a dollar sign on it so be it , you need the almighty dollar to. You are responsible wheather you want to think so or not , You couldn't stand 12 hrs beside me let alone work 14 hrs beside me ,if i show you how to change a 200 lb truck tire and wheel and then you get yourself killed by it ,was that your fault or mine , lets get serious , In a industry as young as this one everytime somebody sells a brewer your responsible ,for making sure they do it right , you want approval by the usda ,your responsable for making sure they do it right , If you are really interested in advancing compost tea you are res
 ,and i read every word before i hit the send button ! thank you reece wrote:
Then people can decide for themselves if this is an issue or not.
Third, the reason elbows are an issue is that if you can't see or
can't easily clean, then you have a brewer that either costs you a
lot of money to use (time equals money) and adds on to the already
high amount of time it takes to brew tea commercially because you
have to stop, get out tools disassemble it, reassemble. Everybody
decides what's important to them, but I think for this issue to be
on the table as a factor in brewer selection, and as a point of
consideration in brewer design, is helpful.
Thank you for being a manufacturer who does not indulte in
advertising and for using the list as it is intended, Bill - in
partnership with others on the list who are interested in advancing
knowledge about tea.
Point taken Chris, but what really makes my blood boil is that with all these intellegent people on the list, cleaning shouldn't be an issue. Will common sense ever prevail? Do these people bath regularly? I hope so. We have a product that for good or bad reasons is contraversial with respect to health and safety, not unlike any food processing or dare I say even chemical processing. These people who whine about the time it takes to clean a brewer would be the same people forming a class action suit against a food precessor (AND the equipment manufacturer ) who hadn't cleaned machinery and caused some illness, right? What's equally disturbing is that these people probably do not test regularly and could potentially be harming their families by applying tainted tea to their gardens.
And the question of responsibility being put on the brewer mfg., well don't get me started again. Is the mfg of a milkshake mixer responsible for someone getting ill because the restaurant jockey is too busy or lazy to clean the cup after a couple of days of use??? Does anyone need more example???? I wish people on this list would read their post before they hit send.
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