RE: [compost_tea] Plum Curculio Response to Elaine

From: John Dunbar <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 16:33:15 -0600

This plum curculio discussion has been so great I've archived it off into
one long message and printed it out for my frequent reference.

At first I thought that dakesian1 was a "troll" -- someone couldn't possibly
be doing all those organic things to care for her garden. But then I
thought... Wow, what a great list of things to do!

Elaine's discussion and dakesian's responses proved most educational. Also,
Steve Diver's posts on plum curculio's background was also most interesting.

Maybe dakesian needs a 12 step program for getting off such an extensive
list of organic amendments. I'm still going to refer to it often. If only
I could do 10 per cent of what she does.

Please keep any posting on this public.

John Dunbar

Received on Wed Jan 07 2004 - 17:59:33 EST

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