bacillus licheniformis (was Re: [compost_tea] Scientists Discover Enzyme )

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 18:35:47 -0800

The enclosure is a virus free article on the bacillus in pdf format. They =
are using it to degrade feathers and feed them to young chickens.

Toxicity reports

Genetic alteration

Here is more on strain PWD-1

This from the poultry side. Speculation it can be used to decompose animal=
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Norsen
  Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Scientists Discover Enzyme Degrades Mad Cow Di=
sease Prion (fwd)

  WOW that could be big!! Bob wrote:
    Look at this! Keratinase is indicated as the enzyme that decomposes pr=
ions! Good old Bacillus licheniformis! This is good news, because guess w=
hat compost abounds in?

Received on Wed Jan 07 2004 - 22:34:11 EST

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