[compost_tea] Fussy Worms . . . or what??

From: Scott Alexander <daylily_at_bigpond.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 13:24:02 +1000

  Seems a bit quiet amongst the AACT folks so I'll share something that's b=
othering me with you

  Part of the compost that goes into making my CT comes from my worm farm. =
The worms get fed cow manure, grass clippings, paper & cardboard, and food =
scraps from the staff lunches, and hessian from the potato sacks I use to c=
over the pile.

  Three weeks ago one of the staff put left-over lettuce leaves on top of t=
he pile AND THEY ARE STILL THERE UNTOUCHED!!! I've never seen anything lik=
e this before. Why won't the bacteria break it down so that worms can enjoy=
 it? What do lettuce farmers dip their lettuce in before sending them off t=
o the market? Could they be using a diluted bleach solution perhaps?

  I'll stick to organically home grown lettuce.


Received on Thu Feb 19 2004 - 22:51:59 EST

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