Re: [compost_tea] Re: necessary to add carbs or sugar after applying a compos...

From: <>
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 03:29:17 EST

Hi Chuck -

I sure hope the person you were talking with was not associated with Soil
Foodweb in any way. If they were, please, let me know so I can make sure they
understand what the actual case is!

Disease causing fungi will colonize roots and take carbs, sugars, and
proteins and kill the plant.

Mycorrhizal fungi will EXCHANGE nutrients for sugars from the plant, but the
plant controls that interaction, not the fungus.

Beneficial fungi cannot "take" anything from the plant. The beneficial fungi
are fed by mostly sugars, but some proteins and carbohydrates that the plant
releases. But again, the plant is in control, not the fungi.

> That's very interesting, they told me the fungi will extend something
> like hiphae into the plant and take carbs for food, so without adding
> appropriate carbs the fungi will keep feeding and severely deplete
> the plant. I thought this sounded fishy since the fungi don't seem
> to harm the plants in nature.
> Can someone suggest a proper ratio for ingredients to end up with a
> balanced bacterial and fungal colony?
> I just eyeball it like the person that taught me to use the tea.
> I'd guess its about a good handful of worm castings, 3 tbsp oats and
> a cup of molasses into 2-3 gallons of water.

Your recipe sounds reasonable. Test the final results, so you know for


Received on Sat Feb 21 2004 - 05:00:39 EST

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