Re: [compost_tea] Fussy Worms . . . or what??

From: Scott Alexander <>
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 07:29:24 +1000

  Could the really hot temperatures be affecting the worms?
  The worms are loving the scraps from other foods - avocado, mangoes (they=
 LOVE these two) banana & apple peelings etc, and their usual diet of cow m=
anure. The "poisoned" lettuce finally disappeared yesterday - it became rat=

  The sun burn on my shoulders is really... ah.....affecting me!
  So you went surfing in this weather? Its too hot to go outside - 40.1 C y=
esterday (not sure what this is in F - somewhere between 105F to 110F?) and=
 a horrible 29C during the night.

  I'm amazed the daylilies are bearing up so well to the weeks of high temp=
s we are experiencing both day and night. Don't plants like to have "rest" =
at night?

  Distributed 200 gallons of tea over 6 acres in 7500 gallons of water at 7=
 pm last night . Temp of tea was 28 C. Water temperature was cold - approx.=
 24C Ambient Temp was 32C. Not sure what affect the high temps will have o=
n the microbes - not too much I hope. For this brew, I added another sourc=
e of air and was able to keep the dissolved oxygen high throughout - except=
 for the "dip" when it dropped down to 5 ppm.

  Scott Alexander

Received on Sun Feb 22 2004 - 03:17:33 EST

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