Re: [compost_tea] Fussy Worms . . . or what??

From: Scott Alexander <>
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 13:42:13 +1000

  Still, I've been getting some sunshine hours in! A big wave tried to mak=
e me do a head stand the other day. Water drained from my sinuses for abou=
t an hour....... What fun. (that was sarcasm). Think I'd learn to be more=
 careful in the waves......

  Elaine, I think we all agree. Didn't a surfer get chewed up by a shark d=
own that way?

  The lettuce mixes they sell in the store are washed in chlorine, and then=
 dropped into nitrogen gas atmosphere in the bags
  So how good is chlorine-tainted food for humans?

  that dip when the bacteria and the fungi are both growing.... As long as=
 it isn't for too long, it's probably not a concern. Wish I could study it=
 more, however.
  If you can't get someone to set up a brewer next to the Lismore Lab so th=
at you can study it more, then I'll have to bring my equipment down, and wh=
ile I'm out playing golf, Merline can take a sample every 30 minutes. Will =
this give you the information you need?

  Elaine - has anyone brought in Teas to be tested in which EM has been use=
d? I've just bought some EM and I'm reading up about the different ways of=
 using it. Any suggestions?

  Scott Alexander.

Received on Sun Feb 22 2004 - 03:17:43 EST

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