Re: [compost_tea] EM lacks diversity

From: <>
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 02:48:14 EST

There is an interesting situation going on with EM. These are facultative
anaerobic bacteria which do not produce the anaerobic compounds that are so
detrimental to plants. These bacteria MAY also suppress human pathogens.

But, research is needed. There is one paper, which Steve Diver has quoted,
that shows EM bacteria prevent the growth of human pathogens.

So, adding EM to a brew of good compost, which accidentally may go anaerobic
because too much food was added, or a heat snap occurred, MAY prevent the brew
from being something that would select for pathogen growth.

The question remains whether the EM bacteria would be helpful, harmful, or
just neutral for plant growth.

Studies on this anyone?


Received on Sun Feb 22 2004 - 03:17:49 EST

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