Pathogen Report MS Word Doc Re: [compost_tea] Re: CT on NOSB Agenda!

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 20:42:17 -0800

Check any good textbook and you will get optimum temperature and O2 require=
ments for pathogens. I have some contracts with a wastewater treatment pla=
nt and have had to gain a lot of knowledge about pathogens. For example, I=
 have used tea to CONTROL pathogen outbreak. The report I am sending to El=
aine. . . Well, wait, I will include it as an attachment (Elain: Feel free =
to cite from the report.) then I don't have to send it. Here is the report.=
  If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. Check out the=
 conclusion and recommendations. By the way, I'm working on a report now t=
he the City of San Luis Obispo tracking water savings. We have documented =
40% but in this report, I am only highlighting areas where we achieved 25% =
percent reduction overall with improved turf health and totally replacing a=
ny chemical inputs. I'll forward it when it is accepted by the city.


Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth

Received on Tue Mar 02 2004 - 01:05:06 EST

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