RE: [compost_tea] Re: Archives

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:30:39 -0700

This list might not be private, but from what I have seen, our email
addresses are not published via Yahoo (you had that option when setting up
your yahoo account). If this archive is posted publically, however, plan o=
our addresses being posted to the world.
Mike Bosko
509 968-9015 / Fax: 509 968-9016

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Pleasants []
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:17 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: Archives

I appreciate having a searchable archive. Since this list doesn't seem to
be private, could the archive be made public and be accessed by Google?
Bill P.
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 15:08:20 -0700
   From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
Subject: Re: Archives: Nose against the candy store window - New alternate
location and format for a copy of some of the 2003-2004 archives plus
enhanced search capability with Google

Re: [compost_tea] Archives: Nose against the candy store window - New
alternate location and format for a copy of some of the 2003-2004
archives plus enhanced search capability with Google

chriscreid wrote:

> Thanks to Seaneen for posting her info on pH. Seaneen, if you had
> more info in the original post and have it on your computer, could
> you repost it?
> The archives are not getting any easier to search.

Try this link:

The older, original archives for this forum, the compostteas list, are here

I plan to improve on this using better archiving software.

I have all the space I can use to house these and other archives for this
If anyone has a complete archive for compost_tea from the time it started o=
and can put it on CD and mail it ot me I will put the entire thing online.
It will have to be in the format used by Netscape, Mozilla, Agent and a few
other mail client software packages,
Unix mail files OK too in case anyone is using Linux. As for Netscape or
Mozilla, for example, I need one of the two files it creates
for a mail folder, a text file, always the biggger of the two and it can
have a file extension or not. The complete archives will be a
file in excess of 50 megs or so; just burn it onto a CD.

I can create message archives like this out of any email or text data
converted to email format. This would be useful in creating archives
on specific topics, i.e. brewer manufacturers, materials used in making
compost tea, etc. Find or create email on that topic and save it all
to a folder then copy the text file to a CD and mail it to me for conversio=
to an online archive. Examples of this exist here:

One benefit of having archives for this list at this alternate location is
that all information contained therein gets indexed by Google
and other search engines enabling you to search effectively for the
information you are seeking. Google indexes all info on ibiblio very
thoroughly. Try it out at this search URL (I can improve on this also):

> I tried to find Seaneen's original post on her pH problem and spent
> at least 10 minutes trying to come up with the right search term
> ("Seaneen" seemed to work best) -- never found the post. The server
> cut out on me twice - once with a message saying there was no more
> storage room, and another time saying the list was temporarily
> available. I gave up. Multiple searches are necessary because the
> server only searches a limited number of posts at a time.
> Serious students of compost tea may want to keep digests in a folder
> on your hard drive or zipped on a compact disk. Much easier to deal
> with.
> Chris Reid



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Received on Wed Apr 14 2004 - 19:30:36 EDT

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