[compost_tea] Web site

From: Ted Peterson <ted.peterson_at_tcsn.net>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 10:42:28 -0700

Ok, the first draft of the site is up. I did it in Microsoft Publisher and=
 will never do that again. What a waste. I have Front Page and had used i=
t before but a friend said publisher was easier. What a crock. If you, on=
 this list, would be so kind, please give me some feedback. I am rewriting=
 it in Front Page or maybe Dreamweaver so it's a good time to point out my =
errors. I saw a bunch already that have to do with formatting and when I t=
ried to fix them, things got worse. Publisher is the pits.

Also, I want to link other web sites into it. If you are not in direct comp=
etition to me, I will put your web address on my site. Right now, I only r=
efer to two plances: soilfoodweb and NRAES.

Look at:


Thank you,

Ted Peterson

Received on Mon Apr 19 2004 - 14:26:16 EDT

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