Re: [compost_tea] Re: compost tea additives and NOSB (was CTTF Report)

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 22:17:56 -0700

It is the popular belief that Euc is useless and can't be composted. Even =
Elaine cautions aginst using Euc in compost. My ex-business partner proved=
 that wrong in 2001 by successfully composting Euc mixed with cow manure an=
d finished compost for the City of San Luis Obispo. I expanded his idea (H=
e wrote a report that is part of the public record.) and found a way to mak=
e a mulch without using manure. The C:N of Euc is about 1000:1 so I had to=
 find different ways and different techniques to get it to compost. I foun=
d a way; actually two ways without using manure and also duplicated his exp=
eriment with manure and compost to great success. Using manure and seed co=
mpost, my ex-partner proved it wasn't the useless, oily, tree many thought.=
  With the techniques I tried and tested, I can make Euc into great mulch. =
 I gave a bunch of samples away and got orders out the wazoo I can't make e=
nough for the demand so I have to start a larger operation. Where I live, =
there are tons of Euc. Dvire around and you can constantly see piles of Eu=
c that has been cleared and just sits. This is the area where the guy sold =
Euc farming to a bunch of land owners so they could make railroad ties from=
 the wood. It turns out that the wood is useless for any kind of structura=
l work. It's great firewood though and now it can be processed to make a gr=
eat mulch. I am going to try the techniques on Laurel next because I under=
stand many of the same problems with Euc are found in Laurel.

By the way, there is a professor at University of California, Santa Barbara=
 who has been composting Euc for about four years as part of their Euc rese=
arch program. He uses traditional methods, which my ex-partner also used, =
and you can find his info on the web. My way is not traditional but works=
 as well.

I copyrighted the techniques and processes. After I get it fully tested an=
d certified to my satisfaction, I will sell licenses for the processes.

Ted Peterson

Received on Wed Apr 21 2004 - 08:42:01 EDT

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