[compost_tea] Compost Testing?

From: compost160 <compost160_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 17:51:17 -0000
If it has to be in the compost to begin with then why not just have
the compost tested for fertility? Will this reduce the cost of
testing? There are many more labs out there that can do this meaning
more competition for your business thereby lowereing the testing cost
to you the consumer? Diverisity of the compost is often thrown out
there but not much in the way of explaining exactly what each and
every player involved does,contributes. I've read my humus is 35,000
species strong so diverese it's silly. Doesn't mean much to me if you
can't break it down 35,000 times and explain what each and every
player does and how it fits in. Cause and Effect? By all means if
e-coli is a worry, have your tea tested. There are allot of labs out
there that can do that cheap enough. I guess I'm speaking from a home
gardeners point of view. Not selling my tea so for me no need to test
myself into bankruptcy. I get direct results from my garden. Good day!

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Received on Fri Apr 30 2004 - 16:09:00 EDT

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