[compost_tea] NOSB & CTTF Report

From: Kirk Leonard <kirk_at_oregonatural.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 17:22:54 -0700
First vine and bush roses are emerging nicely, one rhodie in magnificent
bloom already here.  Spring has come in Oregon.  Grapes are even leafing up.
Lilacs weren't as fragrant or lasting this year for some reason.  Grasses
have gone gangbusters.  Beautiful day but we need more rain.

Anyone know what NOSB did yesterday or today on compost tea?  Actions often
happen last meeting day.  Can be months before anyone else knows.

Part of the functioning of USNOP seems to be to inhibit communications among
organic practitioners.  They impose a paranoia I simply reflect, it seems.
Just like Feds today, hmm?

What happened to compost tea this week at NOSB?  If you were in Chicago at
the meeting or know someone who was, for goodness sake please ask, and
please say something here.

Talk here about biosolids is really good.  Two new ACT markets identified by
Ted and Tom, both of which might be more readily entered than general ag or
landscaping?  Odors or not, good uses...

We can handle CTTF tests, I think.  Main issue is how many times you have to
test the same machine and nutrients, seems to me.  After a while (6-12
times?) a compost test ought to be enough, since nothing else should
introduce pathogens, at least by people who know what aerated teas are.

-- Kirk

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Received on Sat May 01 2004 - 00:10:22 EDT

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