Re: [compost_tea] Eucalyptus mulch

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 19:10:56 -0700

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Karl Miller
  Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 11:41 AM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Eucalyptus mulch

  This is off topic but I know the experts reside on this group. A member o=
f my Hosta club is wanting to use eucalyptus mulch.

I know how Elaine feels about Euc compost and I know the "common knowledge"=
 about Euc. I can tell you that they are flat wrong. Elaine is partly rig=

I have composted pure Euc. My ex-associate has composted Euc. I have peopl=
e using it. I have taken it to wineries who do a lot of composting and mul=
ching and they love the product. I have grown vegetables in it and they sp=
routed just fine. However, there is a process that must be followed. This=
 is partly because the C:N of Euc is about 1000:1. Also there are oils in =
Euc that tend to act as antibacterials. I have found a way to nullify the =
oils in a very short time. So don't be afraid of the boogy-man mentality o=
f Euc. With proper handling, it is as useful as any other soil additive. =
You just have to think the right way about it, treat it and then use it. =

I have copyrighted the procedure under the name BOA (copyright). I will li=
cense it's use so you can contact me or go to my web site at
.com then contact me.

I guarantee it works and can send you a sample if you are interested. Ther=
e are two main approaches and either works. I have been brewing tea with i=
t for quite some time and the tea works great.

Ted Peterson

Received on Sat May 01 2004 - 00:10:23 EDT

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