[compost_tea] Re: distraction

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 10:06:20 -0700 (PDT)

Once there was a group, enthusiastic about soil, the value of compost and aerated compost TEA. We wrote about nature, soil, ACT, how to make it, how to use it, the wonders it preformed in field and garden, Joy was upon the EARTH. Then came regulations, controversy, political interference, virus. Joy went out of it. Is reality so dead? Or can we bring back the magic, the beauty of nature, given a chance to work her wonders? Lets review what Compost TEA does. Look again what organic brings to our world. Progress may be interupted by regulations. Enthusiasm may be chilled. No political confusion will stop so vital a move for long.
Remember the benefits of what ACTEA is bringing to EARTH ?
Better water absoption for an EARTH partched.
Reduced erosion for an EARTH being washed and blown to the sea.
Less pollution for an EARTH suffering from 'cides, .
A hugh reducion in CO2 released to the atmosphere by farming.
Cleaning an EARTH piled with debris from chemical zealots.
Better nutrients in plants for an EARTH suffering with cronic ill health.
Economic salvation for farmers who were losing their farms.
New music of song birds, no longer poisoned by us.
Undestanding the invisible beauty of SOIL.
More. So much more!

Received on Sun May 02 2004 - 13:35:34 EDT

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