[compost_tea] Re: biological transmutation of elements?

From: Steve Diver <steved_at_ncat.org>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2004 03:09:52 -0000
Thanks for the resource pointer, Eric


That link is Thomas Beardon who is an advanced thinker
and writer in alternative energies and physics, authoring
books from "Excalibur Briefing: Explaining Paranormal Phenomena"
to "Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles."

The earlier link to kronia.com was interesting; worth
an addition to the Kervran toolbox.


It gets into microbes and mineralization from
parent rock.

As an aside, microbial action on parent rock
material in itself has an interesting connection to
compost teas.  Mineralization and solubilization in
the compost windrow due to organic acids and microbial-based
enzyme systems can have a powerful effect.  For example,
there is a practice of amending compost piles with rock
phosphate and also rock dust.  Trace elements play
a critical role in enzyme metabolism. 

WHEN you combine minerals, microbes, organic matter,
clay, and humus... you have synergies that result in
biotic-mineral complexes, organo-mineral complexes,
and chelates.  Basically, compost itself is a transmutation,
a biotransformation of raw organic materials into complex
humic molecules and polymers.

The number of biochemical reactions and combinations
thereof are incalculable.

It is said that no two humic substances are alike;
they are like snowflakes.  Further, they shape shift
like chameleons as the pH and environment changes.

Just this week I came across an excellent review paper you
may want for your microbe-mineral toolbox.

Degradation of Soil Minerals by Organic Acids
Kim H. Tan
Soil Sci Soc Am, Spec Publ No. 17 (19867)

There is a classic book, one of the very first
academic books on alternative agriculture, that
has a chapter on biological transmutation.  It was
based on a symposium in Europe.  The title was
"Alternative Methods of Agriculture", edited by
R. Boeringa, published by Elsevier in 1980.

It was re-published from the journal "Agriculture and
Environment," the precursor journal to "Agriculture,
Ecosystems, and Environment."

Agriculture and Environment 5 (1-2): 1-199. (1980)

Interestingly, there is a significant collection
on biological transmutation at the following site,
based on the work of Prof. L.W.J. Holleman.

"A Review of Research on the Biological Transmutation of
Chemical Elements," Based on an unfinished paper by
Prof. L.W.J. Holleman
Translated and completed by David Cuthbertson.

Table of Contents


"The aim of this critical review is (and was) to present the work
of Professor L.W.J. Holleman on a series of experiments on the
possible biological transmutation of chemical elements in cultures
of the alga Chlorella vulgaris to as wide an audience as possible."

"At the centre of this review lies an experiment that was for
Holleman the culmination of a life long search to prove the
existence of the biological transmutation of chemical elements.
The inspiration for this work was the Biodynamic Agriculture Course,
a series of lectures by Rudolf Steiner."


Steve Diver

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "ericgoodenough" <sfo@g...> wrote:
> At the risk of moving slightly off-topic, here is just one of the
> many links(http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/ch5.htm) for anyone
> with an open mind and an interest in biological transmutation of
> elements by plants, animals and microbes.  There are even

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