Re: [compost_tea] Re: pre-activation results

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 11:57:50 -0700

Look Elaine, I have never attacked you. I simply gave my experience. You =
most of all should be sensitive to alternative views and how hard they are =
to get accepted. I haven't found snail control and am trying experiments t=
o find out why. You have a lot of good information to give to people. You=
r attacks on me seem petty and uncalled for. You don't like my posts and y=
ou think Jeff has all the answers then simply state you think my testing is=
 BS as you are doing and that Jeff is right and you have the proof. There =
is no reason to get personal about this.

About the slug thing. I looked up the references and these nematodes don't=
 seem to live in the US. People in Ohio are looking for an analog but can'=
t find one.

I have seen on this list:

1. Use molasses.
2. Don't use molasses
3. Use molasses.
4. Don't use molasses.
5. Now we can use molasses.

Now we have the snail/slug issue.

ACT controls snails. If this is true and we can prove it and it can be dup=
licated, we are all millionaires. We will have found the Holy Grail of sna=
il control and we can destroy the entire snail repellant industry. Are you=
 Elaine willing to make that statement and back it up with test data? If y=
ou are, I will be singing your praises all the way to the bank.

Ted Peterson

Received on Sat May 15 2004 - 15:45:13 EDT

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