[compost_tea] Suggestion

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 12:00:06 -0800

Thanks, Doc, for the kind words and the suggestion. I hope we are not at t=
he point where we have to have a full blown committee to review emails. I h=
ave put a certain person on 'moderate', but I am sure I won't have to do th=
at often! All people have to do is be civil to each other. Disagreement is =

I would like to try this: Let's make weekends only for questions on how to=
 make and use tea. The other threads would continue during the week, but o=
n weekends, people would ask questions that they need to ask, but just don'=
t feel comfortable because of the "advance (??) discussions, arguments, des=
criptions etc. Of course, questions would be fine during the week, but on =
the weekends, how about we limit it to helping folks get their tea made pro=
perly? The "pro's" can all answer...sure we will differ, but if a thread ge=
ts to 'hot' we can hold off for the week.

Questions on making tea anyone? Questions on using it? And, Steve B is cor=
rect, we need to point out that the International Compost Tea Council is a =
site all first timers need to go to, read and possibly join the group.
The site is http://www.intlctc.org/.



Plant a row in your garden to feed the Hungry. Ask me about PAR and I will =
tell you how.

Received on Sat May 15 2004 - 18:03:02 EDT

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