Re: [compost_tea] Re: Searching This Group?

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 19:34:30 -0700

I don't think there is an SFI cult. I think SFI testing is important for m=
any things. I also think soil tests are important as are plant assays. Th=
ere is the possibility that tea can show high numbers in a test but for som=
e reason not transfer to the soil and the plants. The stuff on fungi I hav=
e read and posts to a bacteria/fungi group lead me to feel differently abou=
t grain meals as a fungal activator. I have to take the side that I just d=
on't know. To me there is contradicting data. There is SFI data then ther=
e is stuff from the bac/fung group that talks about the types of stuff that=
 grows on flours and grains. I am no expert but I do know that tea works j=
ust as the Compost Tea Brewing manual says it should. I have used it with =
good results and have made recipes of my own and compost of my own. Compos=
t tea works and it can help slow certain disease outbreak. I don't think t=
his is cultish or a cult idea. I think it is sound practice for land manag=
ement that uses science to verivy biological reenrichment of the soil.

Contrary to popular opinion, I am not against using grains or any such thin=
g in compost, I just need to be sure before I use something like that at a =
clients. Since I don't know and will not take anyone's word for it, I have=
 the problem of overcaution possibly.

Now to the Snails Day 3.

I did not get a chance to make the tube so that experiment will have to wai=

I did spray again in my trash cans. No change. Snails go on both sides an=
d on all surfaces.

I upped the humic acid for this spray and added 2 cups to 5 gallons just be=
fore I sprayed with no dilution. The humic didn't seem do do anything. I =
rered Robert's post and noted that he said that he soil soaked. Tomorrow, =
I will soak the soil around the lily plant that the snails love to eat at n=
ight. Leaves show lots of snail damage so I will start Day 1 of soaking. =
As far as I can tell, tea on a surface doesn't do anything. I have four di=
fferent batches of tea that I outlined in a previous post. I haven't seen =
any difference in any can. The snails in the cans seem to be eating just a=
bout the same amount they do on the live plants.

I will spray again tonight.

I read Elaine's post about the other prople having success with snail contr=
ol. I think there was one or two that also had no success. Three differen=
t people and I imagine three different recipes in three different locations=
 and applied in different ways on different crops. All with success. So I=
 have to find out what I am doing wrong with my recipe and brewing. It see=
ms that if three independent people with three different brewers and three=
 different recipes just happened to hit on what I am missing that the missi=
ng thing is pretty broad. I don't think they got together and used the sam=
e recipe with exactly the same amounts and all used the same compost with t=
he same aeration and the exact same inputs at exactly the same amounts and =
brewed for exactly the same amount of time. So it occurs to me that what e=
ver it is is broad based, not local and not specific compost dependent. =

So bottom line: No change in snail control. The snails seem to do a lot of=
 breeding though.

Dennis wrote about molasses actually killing worms. Possibly I will add a =
bunch of molasses tonight in one of the cans and see if that has any effect=
. I'm not sure yet and am getting ready to spray. I will write a followup=
 report tomorrow after the snails wander around tonight.

I have to start new batches of tea tonight anyway.

Ted Peterson
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Linda
  Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 5:04 PM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Re: Searching This Group?

  --- In, "seedsquirter" <wrhoads_at_p...>

> If the search function is as limited as it appears, I will have to
> ask the questions for the 6,000,000,001st time (give or take a few).

  It is bad, but, good news! You can buy public access information
  edited by the self appointed experts at Nature Technologies in
  cooperation with the SFI cult.

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