Re: [compost_tea] wild strawberries

From: Perry Clutts <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 09:27:33 -0400

Elaine wrote:
Typically suggests too fungal a soil for your grass.
Bacterial compost tea needed.
any other observations about weeds, shading, bare patches? Recent manageme=

Last year we tried spraying molasses and overseeding KY 31 fescue... late s=
tart with the overseeding and dry conditions the seeding was not very succe=
ssful. Got crabgrass as summer progressed. Figure it was the spring soil di=
sturbance that spurred the crabgrass. I figured that it was too fungal, thi=
nking the strawberries are a woodland plant... right? more fungal... Is the=
 spraying molasses a good idea? We used a miracle grow hose end sprayer las=
t year. How much and how often? The yard is shaded most of the day and is s=
mall compared to the woodland that surrounds the yard and house.


Received on Sun May 16 2004 - 10:56:53 EDT

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