[compost_tea] Parts for tea brewers

From: savenmoney <rogers_at_vanion.com>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 15:44:26 -0000
Hi I am a potato grower in Colorado and we are going to use compost
tea this year to try to cut back on the chemicals we use.  I have
bought most of my pumps, tanks and things but am having a hard time
finding tea bags.  Do I have to buy the mesh and then sew it into a
bag or is there a place I can buy them.  Also what size mesh is the
best 20, 30, 35.  I have also bought some air stones for diffusers
they are a silica diffuser made with alumina,  has anybody used them,
and will they produce to small of a bubble. 

Justin Rogers  

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Received on Tue May 18 2004 - 12:47:15 EDT

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