[compost_tea] Re: NOP pr....

From: Linda <wormwomantwo_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 22:40:20 -0000
I'm saying the use of ACT as it applies to organics is one incredibly
small part of the ACT market. ACT can and should be mainstreamed much
more effectively in sustainable ag, without all those silly
pretentious OMRI and organic rules.

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Kirk Leonard" <kirk@o...> wrote:
> Yo Linda -- I think we all understand compost tea is a relatively
> market phenomenon today.  What are you saying?  Don't try to grow
> market?  Don't push back on USDA for trying to kill it?
> > Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 02:58:20 -0000
> > From: "Linda" <wormwomantwo_at_y...>
> > Subject: Re: NOP pr....
> > Whendo you all ralize this is a niche market and sustainable AG
> been and continues to produce more nutritious food?
> > --- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Kirk Leonard" <kirk@o...>
> > Hoo yah!  Looks like an advance piece for another USNOP run on
> bashing compost tea... [snip] <
> When I worked for Intel I learned they thought the original
> market was "maybe 3,000 chips."  They thought it was a niche
market.  Real
> different results today, eh?
> Do you not think compost tea reflects sustainable ag and more
> ecological practices?
> What are you saying here and why always so negative?
> -- Kirk

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Received on Thu Jun 10 2004 - 21:51:18 EDT

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