Re: [compost_tea] a bad ACT experience(possible)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 00:10:59 EDT

Hi Lois,

I am in the Seattle area, and should you ever get down this way, I would be
more than happy to share what I do in putting my "blends" together, and how I
go about that process. I did ask you about testing....That is one thing that
you should do, as it gets you headed in the right direction in the least amount
of time. I use SFI as I have found them to be the most reliable,
knowledgeable, and enjoyable to work with. They give great feedback and customer
support, and I say all this w\o being one of their "certified" advisors!


Received on Wed Jun 16 2004 - 07:56:30 EDT

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