Re: [compost_tea] Papaya latex

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 15:10:35 -0800

<<Tea tree oil is one of the strongest natural antimicrobial - been used su=
ccessfully against resistant staph aureus in hospitals, but there is plenty=
 of soil activity going on in the soils where it grows, nothing in nature h=
appens in isolation>>>>

Hi Lloyd,

I am not sure I see your point. Can you help me here?

Sure, there is plenty of growth going on and the same thing applies to the =
Papaya plant itself.....microbial activity undoubtedly helps these grown or=
ganically to thrive....I don't see the connection, however, between the oil=
 or latex a tree produces in its fruit and the microbial activity in the so=
il. No doubt there is great interplay between fallen fruit and the soil fo=
odweb, but you cannot necessarily link what is in the fruit, or bark etc wi=
th what is going on in a plant's rizosphere. Lloyd, your analogy applies to=
 the Aloe plant which was the source of the original concern...




Received on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 21:47:01 EDT

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