[compost_tea] Rotary Pumps For Brewing

From: Grant - Environmental Fertilisers <grant_at_environmental-fertilisers.co.nz>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 12:27:11 -0700

Hi Guys,
Is there antone else compost/microbe brewing with a low pressure high volum=
e rotary pump set up.
Just reading all the problems with filters and screens,sounds like alot of =
trauma.We use a presreened inoculi[27 depending on what we want as far as r=
atios and diversity]This is then added to the pre aerated and warmed water =
with the apprpriate food.
Brewed for 12-24hrs and then pumped into the sprayer and off we go[no filte=
ring or screening]
We are doing 12000ltrs/day and are predominately apply to Dairy Farms or Ki=
wifruit Orchard.
The SFI results are more than adequate with Fungi counts of 60[if required]
The criticism we initially got was the brewing system was too vigorous but =
the lab results and more importantly the on farm results speak for themselv=
Our key dairy farm operation has not used nitrogen for 3yrs now and the far=
m gross margin was raised $85000 last year[or$1000/ha].During the Autumn dr=
y spell the farmer had people stopping off the road and asking what they we=
re doing so different,as all the farms were drying out around them and this=
 placed just stayed green!!
As we brew in 4000ltr tanks[need to,to cover the farms were treating and ec=
onomics]the idea of filters and screens is not practical[and a pain],due to=
 the fact that when we deal with commercial spray contractors we need to co=
ver 40-60ha/day to be economic.
Does anyone else brew this way?
Grant Paton-New Zealand

Received on Tue Jul 13 2004 - 21:00:13 EDT

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