[compost_tea] Re: A new Win Soc Brewer

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 22:26:18 -0700 (PDT)

Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com> wrote:Bob's Brewers is looking for YOUR 'druthers'.
What features do YOU want in a brewer?
TheBobOLator is designed to simplify brewing and to lower the cost of first quality ACT. The Bitti and the BobOLator span from 5 to 750 gallons capacity, are highly effective, low cost, easily cleaned, easy - EASY !
Kevin John Richardson, famed for his long name and other reasons, worked with Bob on our BobO500, now proposed to subsitute an all mesh extraction chamber for Bob's PVC chamber. All else the same. The Soc as we call the chamber, has more but finer mesh area, is the main advantage.
The cost and prices are about the same as for like capacity PVC system.
The Bitti - and Bitti Super O2 5 to 50 g $227 & $277. The Bobby Soc $ 250..
the BobOLator from 50 to 750 g starts at $ 715, In it's most complete form $ 20,000
The WinSoc - same capacity starts at $550, In it's most complete form $ 20.000
 Most complete form? 705 g, on trailer, with generator, application system painted your colors!! transfer system, Ready to go to work in your business or on your biggest projects, up to 4.500 gallons per day, 10 days running. 45,000 gallons without stop.
Guess who came up with the name Wind Sock? shortened to WinSoc? None other than the gal that named it Bitti! Judi Stewart! So she won another brewer, a WinSoc!
Can't tell about Judy, is it Luck or Brains? As an astute philosopher once advised me, "Bob if you ever have a choice between brains and luck, take LUCK every time!! "
With that I am asking you - in a short market study-
"Which model - if any - would you choose? Do you like the ridgid PVC extraction chamber or do you like the all mesh extractor chamber ? and Why?
Question #2 - What will you use your Brewer and your ACT for? what kind of project?
The best answers, best project will WIN a Bob's WIN SOC
Please so I can award the winner:
Your name________________________ Phone _______________________
Address ________________________________________________________
Yes I promise not to bug you or sell your name, Bob.
My fax 206 767 2026

Received on Sun Jul 18 2004 - 08:35:39 EDT

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