RE: [compost_tea] USNOP Example

From: John Cowan <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 09:39:55 -0700
Hi David,

Anything can be done for a "price". That is time, money and resources. To
make compost tea fail-safe is not practical. Are pathogens from reasonably
made CT a significant safety issue. I don't think anybody really knows for
sure. There needs to be some really world field testing not contrived lab

Consider chemical pesticide application. Here are some very toxic substances
that are applied with no one looking over the farmers "shoulder". They are
regulated but what does that mean really? One has to pass a written test?

> My point, and I assume their point, was that there is no experimental
> data on it, so the wise course is to ban it until such time as it is
> considered safe.

There are all sorts of safety issues in many area of life and business. Many
of them are actually controlled by the common sense of those involved.
Banning something that has not had serious safety issues is not what I would
call wise.

> Again, I am not saying that all of what I am suggesting is necessary to
> produce good healthy tea. What I am suggesting is the way to force their
> acceptance of the tea. Basically, what it would take to make a
> presentation in a court challenge to their rulings.

Who wants to go there? There is no guarantee of the outcome if you go down
this road? Who has the time and money to pursue this?

John Cowan

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Received on Wed Jul 21 2004 - 15:32:41 EDT

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