[compost_tea] Re: Re: cleaning brewers

From: Kirk Leonard <kirk_at_oregonatural.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 08:15:14 -0700
Doc, I have to ask:  I've not heard of Eco-brewers or what Nature Tech is
doing.  Who/what are they?  And whatever happened to Compara?  Have to say
I'd trust Mike B's and many OZ machines, too...

> Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 02:53:54 EDT
> From: soilfoodweb_at_aol.com
> Subject: Re: cleaning brewers
> What size do you want, Dennis?  I like the KIS machines as easy to clean.
> The Norsen brewers.  Eco-brewers.  Charlie Clarke brewers.  Nature Tech
>  brewers.  EPMs.  In that order.....
> Bunches of one-person operation brewers on the market that have not been
> tested to my knowledge for whether they do a decent job of making tea, so
> I'd be careful baout them.

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Received on Tue Jul 27 2004 - 11:42:57 EDT

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