[compost_tea] excess iron

From: Mike Harvey <mharvey_at_westnet.com.au>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 21:54:04 +0800

I have a situation where excess iron has caused the death of fish in ponds =
of fish being grown for sale.
The culprit is excess iron seeping into the pond.
What can we do with the water food web to improve the situation and stop th=
is from happening again . Or at least reduce problems.
Oxygen levels are high and water temp 13 deg C.
There have been problems with anaerobic bacteria in summer when water temps=
  are higher and oxygen becomes limiting.
These bacteria have caused the death of fresh water cray fish. in a similar=
We plan to do some tests with the lismore lab on the water biology.
Is it usual to have fungi in ponds?
I would not have thought so since fungi usually live on land still sould be=
 interesting to have some info on it.
What sort of compost tea would be appropriate for this situation??
Any help would be appreciated.
regards Mike Harvey

Received on Tue Sep 07 2004 - 12:13:46 EDT

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