[compost_tea] photos to use?

From: Lois Yoshida <loisyoshida_at_yahoo.ca>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 12:26:02 -0400 (EDT)

Hi everyone.


I'm wondering if anyone out there can provide me, or point me in the direction of a good website, with photos that I could use on a display poster for a "compost tea party" that I am helping out at. The audience is going to be comprised primarily of Master Composters, Master Gardeners, the general public with maybe a few commercial growers.


I'm not looking for anything really fancy, perhaps some shots showing comparisons of plants with disease vs. plants that have had a foliar application of tea to treat that disease; or plants that have had a root drench vs. some that have had no treatment; or something that may show the results of applications of a fungal and/or bacteria dominated tea ...


This is only a 2'x3' display, so obviously I don't need a lot.


Your help would be greatly appreciated!





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Received on Tue Sep 07 2004 - 13:01:23 EDT

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