Re: [compost_tea] newbie intro and question

From: <>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 07:43:29 EDT

Sorry, Bill, but this is NOT compost tea. You describe compost soup.
Not compost tea.

Especially if you let that liquid "rest" without aeration, the results from
application of that soup can be quite detrimental if the temperatures are high,
if the "compost" wasn't really compost, or if there was no beneficial foods
added to help the beneficials out-compete the pathogens.

I've killed quite a few plants with compost thrown into water, and left.
Especially in the middle of the summer.

The whole buzz about compost tea is AERATED compost tea, where the
biology is excellent each and every time you make the brew.

No surprises, no diseases. Brew up the good guys, not the bad guys.

It has to be propoerly aerated, it has to be made with AEROBIC compost.

Elaine R. Ingham
Soil Foodweb Inc., Corvallis, Oregon
Soil Foodweb Inc., Port Jefferson, New York
Soil Foodweb Institute, Lismore Australia
Soil Foodweb Institue Cambridge, New Zealand
Soil Foodweb Inc., Hilversum, The Netherlands
Laboratorios de Soil Foodweb, Culiacan, Mexico
Soil Foodweb Inc., Jerome, Idaho

Received on Sun Sep 12 2004 - 10:18:37 EDT

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