[compost_tea] Capability of sprayers WAS::::Re: Spraying methods - electro static sprayer

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 05:12:01 -0000
Bob, I don't have that type of sprayer.  Can you be more specific in
your treatment (spraying) method? Guess I don't know about the
electrostatic sprayer. How does it spray w/o lectricity? Gotta go
wash test tubes now.  Wow data is great. Actually it's a lot of
inside work. I know enuf already!                          Dennis

In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, Robert Norsen <bnbrew@y...> wrote:
> Yes you would need to compare LIVE bugs to know anything useful. 
If the bugs ere dead the microscope alone might not know the
difference.  I know when I don't know. This is one for Elaine.  
> dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_y...> wrote:--- In
compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, Robert Norsen
> wrote:
> > I would suggest that you dew it Dennis cuz yew have the lab.
> Herez how. You start with two or more pans of sterile water with
> just enough molasses in it to keep em happy. you cover one pan and
> spray with the lectircity OFF. Then you cover that pan and open
> other, spray with the lectricity ON. Then you use the micorscope
> HOWWWW do I use it?????We need a test method. Like stain used,etc.
> think it'll take epifluorescence and a stain to differentiate
> bugs. just my guess and memory of something. Gotta go run Vit b1
> and b2. be back shortly .. Dennis
> and compare the results. To make sure you repeat the experiment
> several times and with identical brews at nearly the same time and
> all such rules to get an scienificlly exact comparrison. In the
> water the bugs should be alive and wigglin.
> > If there is a difference how much? Should tell whether the
> lecticity shocked em.
> > Any better test plan? don't see how you can measure the ctivity
> of the bugs on foliage, Bob
> >
> > dkemnitz2000 wrote:
> > ---Hello Ken and Bob: How are you going to determine viability
> > those critters under the scope? You might see a few in there
> > tails but many(tails and/or critters) probably won't move. Seems
> > like it will take some specialized preparation using other than
> > direct microscopy.
> > Dennis Kemnitz in KS
> >
> >
> >
> > In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "t3rcattle" wrote:
> > > Bob,
> > >
> > > Yes, there is better coverage of all surfaces. And the water
> > pressure
> > > is about 20 pounds.
> > >
> > > I am not sure about microbe survival. Since I have a
> > now,
> > > I will use it to test how well the microbes survive after
> > thru
> > > the sprayer. I will do a test next week and let you know what
> > find.
> > >
> > > Ken
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, Robert Norsen
> > wrote:
> > > > Very interesting. Can you tell us more about the effects?
> > > overspray? Better coverage top and bottom of leaves, stems and
> > > branches evenly covered? Microbe survival? It would seem that
> > the
> > > process would be better for the microbes. Larger nozzel at low
> > > pressure, ACT lofted into foliage by air. slight charge takes
> the
> > mist
> > > to a surface rather than letting it drift away. Or am I
> > overstating
> > > the advantages? Bob
> > > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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