RE: [compost_tea] Capability of sprayers WAS::::Re: Spraying methods - electro static sprayer

From: Judi Stewart <>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 23:12:57 -0700
In my scope, you can count the nematodes.  Please look at the critters
in your compost under the scope and then you'll understand.
What I find amazing is the world of activity in just one little drop.


---Judi can you count them in one field or do you count several? 
And can you then enumerate per ml. or by the drop?  I haven't gotten
that far yet (with the scope). Tomorrow I'm gearing up to spray ACT
on wheat ground prior to planting (and the rain which is supposed to
come next Tu). Gotta start the brew sometime tomorrow.I've
been "trying" to look at the critters in my compost for the last
month and haven't gotten it done. Thanks.   Dennis

In, "Judi Stewart" <js@o...> wrote:
> Dennis, I see the critters' movement in each drop, whether it's
> compost tea or compost shaken (not stirred)
> with water.  It's easy to lose sight of the nematodes in a field at
> the highest power as their movement is so rapid.
> Judi
> ---Hello Ken and Bob: How are you going to determine viability of
> those critters under the scope?  You might see a few in there with
> tails but many(tails and/or critters) probably won't move. Seems
> like it will take some specialized preparation using other than
> direct microscopy.
> Dennis Kemnitz in KS

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Received on Sat Sep 18 2004 - 09:11:16 EDT

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