[compost_tea] sugar locking up N

From: Titel Ryzhomer <thegoodjob_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 23:24:21 -0000
Hi All,

I recently may have over-applied tea which wasn't suitable. The
result was some yellowing of some young plants in transplant pots.
They recovered when I stopped watering them with tea and gave them
some diluted fish hydrolisate. I was making my tea with 1% molasses
worm compost, cold water kelp, rock phosphate, powdered pyrophylite
clay and .43% fish hydrolisate. It smelled fine.

My friend suggested that my sugar content was too high and going
undigested into the soil where it was being digested by microbes
which were using up the N in the process and making it unavailable
to the plants. He said this is stated in the tea brewing manual. I
searched through the manual today but found no such information. I
just saw that the table (8) indicates a higher molasses amount
produces a higher fungal content.



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Received on Sun Sep 19 2004 - 19:52:54 EDT

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