[compost_tea] SFI Workshops in Texas

From: Steve Bridges <steve_at_texasgrown.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 18:38:20 -0500

Hi everyone,
Elaine is coming to Texas to present her Aerated Compost Tea Workshop and t=
wo Microscopy Classes. More information about both of these is below. We're=
 also going to include the Texas Tea-Off as part of the ACT Workshop. So fa=
r, we have the following brewers represented at the Tea-Off"

WormGold 100gal.
Bitty Bob-O-Lator
KIS 25gal.
Earth Tea Brewer 22gal.
Attendees are invited to bring their homemade models, too!

Elaine will be doing the judging and awards will be presented for the top t=
eas. I'll have more information about the Texas Tea-Off next week. Texas ma=
y have been behind the curve on ACT, but we're catching up quick!

Please make arrangements ASAP if you wish to attend these workshops.....spa=
ce is limited!
Steve Bridges
President - Texas Organic
Farmers and Gardeners Association
email: steve_at_texasgrown.com


Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association


Aerated Compost Tea Workshop
 by Elaine Ingham, PhD
Prerequisite: Introduction to Soil Food Web Course or Equivalent knowledge


Day One (8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Lunch Served)

Brew Time for Tea-Off - See how each brewer is set up, begin the brew for t=
he competition.

Definition of Good Tea - Maturity, stability, E. coli, Standards

Making Healthy Compost Tea - The brewing cycle, the right compost, extracti=
on, aeration, water source, recipes, growing fungi, E. Coli issues

Determining Whether Plants Need Compost Tea - Rates of decomposition, smell=
, color - When to do organism assays, which assays to run - Does your folia=
ge have enough of the right organisms?

Altering the Foodweb in Soil & on Plant Surfaces - The right organisms for =
the plant desired - Bacterial or fungal dominated tea? - The right foods fo=
r the plant desired - Commercial products

Question and Answer Period


Day Two (1:00 pm to 5:30)

!!! The Texas Tea-Off !!!

*** Demonstrations of commercially-available and homemade brewers ***

Earth Tea Brewer - Bob-o-Later/Bitty Bob- o- Later - KIS machines - WormGol=

You can bring your own homemade compost tea brewers too! If bringing your o=
wn tea brewer we will need to know so that we can make arrangements for spa=
ce, electricity, etc. Contact Louise with details.

Plus: Demonstrations of application methods and machines.

Contest: All teas will be judged using a Quality Assay during the ACT Works=
hop. If interested in participating, please ask Louise for an entry form. A=
wards will be given!



October 19-20, 2004


The Center for Environmental Research

Austin Water Utility

Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant

2210 South FM 973

Austin, Texas 78725

Fee for ACT Workshop: $225

***If attending both the Microscopy Workshop and this workshop, the total f=
ee will be reduced by $25***


!!! Full amount due by October 12th, But PLEASE sign up ASAP so we'll know =
how many folks are attending !!!


**Please Note: In case of refunds, there will be a 20% service charge. Work=
shop will be limited to 60 attendees, so it is first come, first served! R=
eserve your place early to be a part of this very important lecture series.


Louise Placek, Texas Organic Farmers & Gardeners Assoc., (877) 326-5175 or =
email louise_at_texasorganicgrowers.org to register for the workshop. Payment=
 by check is preferred, but credit cards (VISA, MC, AMEX) are accepted.


Hotel Arrangements

We have reserved a block of rooms with the LaQuinta Airport. They will hold=
 these rooms until October 4th. The room rate for a double, either by that =
date or later if they still have rooms available is $63 for a double. Call =
(512) 386-6800.



Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association


Microscopy Class
by Elaine Ingham, PhD


Two One-Day Classes: October 21st and 22nd

8am - 5pm

Same Location as the ACT Workshop

Prerequisite: Aerated Compost Tea Workshop or Equivalent knowledge


 Why Attend? As those of you that attended the Intro to the Soil Foodweb wi=
ll remember, Dr. Ingham also offers a class on how to properly use a micros=
cope to identify the microorganisms in the Aerated Compost Tea. While learn=
ing these techniques does not take the place of professional evaluation of =
tea, it does help you know when you're on the right track. Betsy Ross uses =
a microscope to confirm that there is life in the tea before she sends it o=
ff to be professionally tested at SFI and to confirm with every tea that th=
ere is good activity in the tea. This is just another great tool to use whe=
n learning how to properly brew a good tea.

Which Day? Two separate Microscopy Classes will be held on the dates of Oct=
ober 21st & 22nd. Each class is just one day in length. Local folks may wis=
h to attend on Friday as that would free up Thursday for those that are tra=
veling and would have a "dead" day in between the ACT Workshop on Tuesday/W=
ednesday and the Microscopy Class on Friday. The two classes will present t=
he same material.

Agenda? The first half of the day will consist of reviewing the Microscopy =
Manual that you receive as part of your attendance fee. The second half of =
the day will be hands on training of how to use the microscopes and identif=
y the microbiology in the tea. We will be using the tea brewed during our T=
exas Tea-Off as the tea for the Microscopy Classes.


You will get the most out of the workshop if you have your own microscope. =
You may bring your own if you already have one. SFI Inc. has two types of m=
icroscopes that they recommend and sell if you wish to purchase one from th=
em. Please contact SFI Inc. to purchase one from them. The two types are:

Alexis J-model ~$400.00 Leica CME ~$1200.00

Generic Description: You need a microscope that has 4X, 10X (or 20X), 40X o=
bjective lenses

10X WF eyepieces, Numerical Aperature 2.5 ABBE condensor (needs to have an =
iris diaphragm)


If you wish to order an Alexis J the deadline is October 8th. They will be =
shipped to Hornsby Bend Wastewater Treatment facility and will be there for=
 pick up on the first day of the ACT Workshop.


There is a limited supply of the Leica CME's. SFI Inc. has less than ten of=
 these in stock.

Please order ASAP to reserve yours.

Contact Soil Foodweb Inc. at (541) 752-5066


Fee for Microscopy Workshop: $175

***If attending both the ACT Workshop and this workshop, the total fee will=
 be reduced by $25***

!!! Full amount due by October 12th, But PLEASE sign up ASAP so we'll know =
how many folks are attending !!!


Louise Placek, Texas Organic Farmers & Gardeners Assoc., (877) 326-5175 or =
email louise_at_texasorganicgrowers.org to register for the workshop. Payment=
 by check is preferred, but credit cards (VISA, MC, AMEX) are accepted.


Hotel Arrangements

We have reserved a block of rooms with the LaQuinta Airport. They will hold=
 these rooms until October 4th. The room rate for a double, either by that =
date or later if they still have rooms available is $63 for a double. Call =
(512) 386-6800.


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Received on Wed Sep 22 2004 - 20:06:13 EDT

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