[compost_tea] Re: Re:pretty close to compost tea!

From: Kirk Leonard <kirk_at_oregonatural.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 22:14:29 -0700
This is an odd discussion and being somewhat odd, I suppose, I would jump
in.  Doc E's original point about patenting natural, biological organisms
resonates with me.  Hahn's patent on worm castings for insect repellency is
a case in point, closer to home.  How could someone patent something that
occurs naturally in all vermicomposts?

A genuine process breakthrough may deserve a patent.  Merely finding or
isolating or rearranging existing organisms does not.  T-22 is an
interesting hybrid, pun intended.

I also find the comment, "If we left it up the the gummint to administer
patent licensing, nothing would ever be developed from the research" rather
amazing.  Last I checked, all patents are administered by governments,
internationally, some better than others.

I have a problem with the expression "gummint" too, I must confess.  Makes
me think of toothless invalids. The US feds are not toothless.  Under this
leadership, they are dangerous and destructive. USPTO's patent grants for
genes and natural organisms is bizarre, and they need redirection.  USNOP's
stance on compost tea is indefensible, likewise.

I plan on voting for Kerry because Bush has and will make this situation
worse, clearly.  He who thinks the environment is expendable, as Bushies
clearly do, will pay dearly for that error.  We all will, and are, of
course.  We gotta get on a road to fix that.  Compost tea and its
disciplines are important parts of that.


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Received on Fri Oct 08 2004 - 10:38:18 EDT

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