Re: [compost_tea] New to me, anyone have peer reviewed data contray to report?

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 10:40:06 -0700

  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 9:47 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] New to me, anyone have peer reviewed data cont=
ray to report?

  I suspect that this is the publication of Pat Milner's data from the Grow=
ing Solutions machine.

  First, note that in fact the Growing Solutions machine does not maintain =
oxygen levels above 6 ppm in all parts of the tea brewr through the whole t=
ea brewing cycle.

If you are basing your conclusions on the above, I wish you would confirm t=
hat first. You are probably correct but one can never know for sure.

I assume this report is the abstract. Where can the full report be found? =
I have problems when anyone "innoculates" anything because it assumes that =
the growth medium is totally free of any other measurable factors and I don=
't see that here. If they were using a so-called sterile medium and just d=
ocumented the growth of the innoculants based on inputs, they may have a po=
int. Does the full paper explain the process?

Another thing. Is it possible to measure, say, the levels of E. coli and b=
e assured that the number obtained will remain constant from the time the m=
easurement is taken and the time the stuff being measured is used? What I =
am getting at is could target biology grow from the measurment time to the =
time it is used in the experiment thus skewing the results?

I notice from the abstract that no growth seemed to occur when no other inp=
uts were added. Is this because the growth had reached saturation? Since b=
acteria don't die unless they are digested, is any consideration given to p=
otential growth? I say this because I recently got another contract with a =
Waste Water Treatment Plant and one of the things they are interested in tr=
acking is potential growth. If you read the report I submitted in the past=
, you will find that one of the biggest concerns was pathogen regrowth unde=
r certain conditions. One of those was the addition of water.

Ted Peterson

Received on Fri Oct 08 2004 - 14:23:11 EDT

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