Re: [compost_tea] A peculiar question

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 20:37:54 -0900
Well, frankly, the list has gotten off track a bit. When we hit stories
about Coca Cola being used in India, well, it is time for the moderator
to step in.  Let me see if I can't bring it back.

All of the things we have discussed here for the past few weeks...EM,
Lactose Bactaria, coca cola's sugar, cabbages and mycorrhizal fungi etc
have to do with tweaking the biology a bit.  The reason we make aerated
compost teas and apply them to our plants and soil is so that we have
the right biology there to tweak in the first instance.  Nothing seems
to put more compost biology into the soil than a good areated tea made
from the proper nutrients and with good compost.

So it is fine to talk about a few anerobic bacteria (seems to me that
Doc E's comment in the Ezine was taken way out of proportion), or
feeding a few specific bacteria with sugars, or if particular plants
form mycorrhizae, but again, the main thing is to have lots and lots of
diverse compost microbes in your soils and in your sprays. These
attract the rest of the foodweb gang in the soil and out-compete the
bad guys on leaf surfaces.

MAKE A GOOD TEA and you can add EM microbes, mycorrhizals and even coca

As for published scientific studies, sure it would be great to have
them and someone would definitely get good grant money if they have
time to do them.  However, there are whole yards, whole neighborhoods,
vineyards, golf courses, pastures and parks that are maintained using
the principles of the soil foodweb and based on aerated compost teas. 
They have maintained themselves at least as well as do their chemical
maintained neighbors or as they had been when they were chemical. Some
have maintained a program for over 10 years.  Seems to me there is a
need for studies, sure, but there are also solid examples of success.

Anyhow, let's try and bring it back to tea whenever possible, folks!


jeff l, the mild moderator.

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