[compost_tea] Re: Held Tea (Lacto Bacilli)

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 23:23:34 -0000

--Hello Jerry, I questioned your ACT storage several days ago cause
I wondered what you would do with it after storing and during
storage as well. Recommendations would be to use it within a few
hours of "completion" or even sooner keeping it aerated (and I would
even cool it too if possible)during that time. I run into the same
problem some times. Perhaps we'll generate discussion  before it is
too late.  I have used "tea" past it's prime (knowing it's not ACT
anymore)on my own plants with unknown results. I have brambles and
fruit trees I can spray or irrigate when I can't get in the field
with machinery, so I spray there as necessary. I'd spray "dead tea"
on  only MY plants as soon as possible, full strength noting where I
sprayed as long as it doesn't exhibit the aerobic aromas. The best
suggestion I have is to use it as a research project for future
mgmt. decisions.  Also I'd imagine you can use  it as water for the
next batch provided you have it areated and it is not exhibiting
aerobic "metabolites". You would still need more nutrients for the
next batch but I would use mainly, just a little fish and sugar(like
maybe 1/3 of usual amount then view under scope and when activity
increases add a little more food) cause there's probably  residual
present. My opinion is add sugar to water first, then compost to
minimize shock. I don't know about effect of 10 pounds of calcium
carbonate. Of all the tests available pH is an easy one to check
even if you use only test strips. Regards, Dennis Kemnitz

- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Jerry Cunningham"
<Jerry.Cunningham_at_C...> wrote:
>  Dennis, et al;
> The CT is in it's fourth day of holding. I checked it with the
> yesterday
> and there is no movement; however, it does not smell. Since it is
a very
> expensive brew
> I hope to use it. There is 5 gallons of Humic Acid, about $100
> Here's my question for the group: Can I start over with the "dead
tea" as my
> "water"?
> Just add fresh compost and extract into the held tea?
> Or should I apply the "dead tea" to put out the humic acid, and
> carbonate,
> and then follow that immediately with a fresh batch of tea?
> Could the calcium carbonate, 10 lbs. in 500 gallons have lowered
the pH
> enough to
> casue shock to the microbes?
> Thanks for your help.
> Jeremiah


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