[compost_tea] Correction to messsage 10278::Re: Held Tea (Lacto Bacilli)

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 23:35:30 -0000


See correction below. Dennis

In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "dkemnitz2000" <dkemnitz2000@y...>
> --Hello Jerry, I questioned your ACT storage several days ago
> I wondered what you would do with it after storing and during
> storage as well. Recommendations would be to use it within a few
> hours of "completion" or even sooner keeping it aerated (and I
> even cool it too if possible)during that time. I run into the same
> problem some times. Perhaps we'll generate discussion  before it
> too late.  I have used "tea" past it's prime (knowing it's not ACT
> anymore)on my own plants with unknown results. I have brambles and
> fruit trees I can spray or irrigate when I can't get in the field
> with machinery, so I spray there as necessary. I'd spray "dead
> on  only MY plants as soon as possible, full strength noting where
> sprayed as long as it doesn't exhibit the aerobic aromas.

Correct aerobic aromas in above sentence to anaerobic aromas,
thanks. Dennis

The best
> suggestion I have is to use it as a research project for future
> mgmt. decisions.  Also I'd imagine you can use  it as water for
> next batch provided you have it areated and it is not exhibiting
> aerobic "metabolites".

Correct aerobic "metabolites" in above sentence to
anaerobic "metabolites", thanks. Dennis

You would still need more nutrients for the
> next batch but I would use mainly, just a little fish and sugar
> maybe 1/3 of usual amount then view under scope and when activity
> increases add a little more food) cause there's probably  residual
> present. My opinion is add sugar to water first, then compost to
> minimize shock. I don't know about effect of 10 pounds of calcium
> carbonate. Of all the tests available pH is an easy one to check
> even if you use only test strips. Regards, Dennis Kemnitz
> - In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Jerry Cunningham"
> <Jerry.Cunningham_at_C...> wrote:
> >  Dennis, et al;
> >
> > The CT is in it's fourth day of holding. I checked it with the
> microscope
> > yesterday
> > and there is no movement; however, it does not smell. Since it
> a very
> > expensive brew
> > I hope to use it. There is 5 gallons of Humic Acid, about $100
> worth.
> >
> > Here's my question for the group: Can I start over with
the "dead
> tea" as my
> > "water"?
> > Just add fresh compost and extract into the held tea?
> >
> > Or should I apply the "dead tea" to put out the humic acid, and
> calcium
> > carbonate,
> > and then follow that immediately with a fresh batch of tea?
> >
> > Could the calcium carbonate, 10 lbs. in 500 gallons have lowered
> the pH
> > enough to
> > casue shock to the microbes?
> >
> > Thanks for your help.
> >
> > Jeremiah
> > 
> >

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