[compost_tea] Article in this month's Acres USA

From: John Dunbar <jdunbar_at_dunbarco.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 11:17:42 -0600

Interesting article on compost teas and combining Albrecht method with
biostimulants in this month's Acres USA (November, 2004).

The article is by David Hudson in Britain. There is a nice chart on cost,
revenues and yields comparing: conventional, organic and "bioagronomy"
approaches. "Bioagronomy" is their new term for Albrecht + microbial mixes
applied to soil and foliarly. The author also discusses disease suppression
and prevention.

Yields for Bioagronomy, Conventional, and Organic approaches (potatoes)
were: 23.4 tons/ha, 20.1, 16.0 tons/ha. Profit margin per hectare (ha)
were: 3,815, 2,800, and 3205 British Pounds per ha. The Organic approach
received a large price premium thus increasing its economic benefit.


Received on Mon Nov 08 2004 - 12:56:21 EST

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