Re: [compost_tea] Re: Searching for basic instructions on compost tea brewing

From: David Anderson <>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 14:58:58 -0800
On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 13:53:53 -0800, Tom Jaszewski <> wrote:
>  Scientific evidence is observation in a controlled situation over limited
> time.
> [Tom Jaszewski] Good science is not a short term process from my view!

I never said that it was.

Long term controlled experiments are incredibly rare and expensive,
and virtually impossible to do in an agricultural setting.

What qualifies as good science in agriculture is at best
semi-controlled, replicated, anecdotal evidence.

In other words, what is being reported here, except being reported by
someone with a fancy piece of paper and a grant.
> [Tom Jaszewski]
> I agree it is happening and it's wonderful. I find it curious that you find
> the desert and Las Vegas "not natural".

What does Vegas have to do with the desert surrounding it? Other than
the destruction of a beautiful place. The women certainly aren't

Las Vegas itself is the most fake place on earth, and it prides itself on that.

I have spent more time in the Nevada desert than anyone I know that
lives in LV. And by that I mean out in the desert, not driving on the

> [Tom Jaszewski] I'm NEVER mean to imply we, I or anyone should disregard the
> anecdotal. Again, my successes were based entirely on anecdotal references.
> I just don't see sciences the enemy, but I do see the possibilities IF clear
> evidence can be presented. I also don't see American Ag returning to the
> family farm (BTW my ideal world involves a plant based economy and family
> farms!). These days even the organic food market is quickly becoming an
> investment for company farms. Not many businesses are willing to risk their
> investments on the anecdotal.

The problem is that you present yourself as discounting the anecdotal,
when it, in fact, has a much better track record than scientific

Use the anecdotal to build on. Don't knock it.


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Received on Sat Nov 20 2004 - 18:33:08 EST

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