Re: Water? was Re: [compost_tea] humus/fulvic acid?

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 16:34:47 -0800


Yes, it is something else. It was one of the IRAD/CRAD projects at Rye Can=
yon. The technology wasn't used. I will not go into the reasons. I drug =
out the info I had and started experimenting. Now, I don't have all the me=
asurement equipment I need to totally test the results but I can test on mi=
crobe growth in different ways to see if anything changes. If I note a cha=
nge, then I try to explain it away until I am left with the changed water b=
eing the only possible answer. I am not there yet. By the way, the techno=
logy isn't expensive to run. If you know any of work of Dr. John Alexander=
 and water reuse, you can get an insight into something similar. It seems =
to be working but as I said, my tests are only preliminary.

Ted Peterson

Received on Wed Dec 08 2004 - 20:12:55 EST

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