Water? was Re: [compost_tea] humus/fulvic acid?

From: Ted Peterson <ted.peterson_at_tcsn.net>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 16:08:15 -0800

----- Original Message -----
  From: John Cowan
  To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 3:31 PM
  Subject: RE: [compost_tea] humus/fulvic acid?

  A certain amount of fulvic acid can be extracted from compost or vermicom=
post by filling a jar 1/3 full with material then fill the jar with water t=
o about 2/3 full. Shake vigorously for 5 min. Let sit for 24 hrs. If the ma=
terial is of good quality, you will have water that is yellow-orange amber.=
 That is the fulvic acid.
Thanks for the response. I have a couple of questions:

Ok, so fulvic acid(s?) are extracted during the tea brewing process? It wo=
uld seem to be what you are indicating here. So if fulvic acid is extracte=
d in this way, what is the need for humic acid as part of the brew mix? I =
am still a little confused by the idea -- if I read the Terravita site pape=
rs correctly -- that something that is not extracted naturally by soil biol=
ogy could be extracted in an artificial environment yet be beneficial in so=
il health (and actually needed in the soil) that favors a biological approa=
ch. It is contrary to everything I read about modern soil science and biol=
ogically based soil management of which CT is a part.

The quality of the water makes a difference. If the water is structured so =
that it has a lower surface tension than "normal" then more fulvic acid can=
 be extracted. By the way, structured water can make a positive difference =
with compost tea.

Now, I have been experimenting with making and brewing with a water that wa=
s developed for NASA. It is like heavy water but can be consumed by humans=
. It was made for space flight. As you know, one of the most difficult pa=
rts of space travel is water. We need a lot of it and so do astronauts. O=
ne of the people I work with has developed a device that processes waste wa=
ter into a very usable, potable water with qualities that make less do the =
same work as traditional amounts. In other words, if you need normally to =
take three 10oz. glasses a day for health, you only need one glass of this =

I have used his device and have brewed with it and tested for biomass. Whe=
n I amass a significant amount of data, I will report my findings. If you =
look at my web site, you will see a six brewer experimental setup. This is=
 where I do most of my testing before moving to larger brewers.

I am interested in water structure being different in that the surface tens=
ion of the water changes. What kind of water are you using?

I have read the terravita site and although interesting, I cannot buy all t=
heir assertions. How can we know what is going on when the physical structu=
re of fulvic and humic acid has not be pinned down? We do know that fulvic =
acid have a molecular weight 10's of times less than humic acid. We also kn=
ow that it has a very strong hormonal effect.

I don't understand what you mean by hormonal effect. Are you referring to =
something like an endrocine disruptor? In addition, what hormonal elements=
 of soil health are you referring to here? Adding something to the soil th=
at operates like an endrocine disruptor is not something I am interested in=
 pursuing as part of a soil health program. Maybe I am misreading your pos=
t so if you could please clarify a little, I may be able to get a better ha=
ndle on this thing.

Ted Peterson

Received on Tue Dec 07 2004 - 00:48:45 EST

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