Re: [compost_tea] RE: Water

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 11:17:56 -0900
Well, let me throw some snow on the water.....might this make a great
experiment for making compost tea...snow water...


  Experiments carried out in the Siberian Botanical Garden  showed that
cucumbers and radishes, watered with melted snow,  grew twice as fast
as the control plants watered with ordinary  water. Similar results
occurred in experiments with wheat.

Why is melted snow  better for plants than ordinary water? Snow
contains about 40  percent less heavy water or deuterium oxide than
normal water.  Deuterium (symbol of D) is a heavy isotope a form of
hydrogen,  but slightly different. When combined with oxygen it does
not  form the water molecule, H2O; instead the molecule D2O is  formed.
Normally, about one water molecule in every 6,000 is found to be a
heavy water molecule. But somehow the formation  of snow removes many
of these heavy water molecules.

Scientists have  discovered that D2O slows down some chemical and
biological processes. So, when heavy water molecules are removed,
plants  seem to grow faster.
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Received on Fri Dec 10 2004 - 19:07:17 EST

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